It is very much GS- Friendly. Basically, in Preliminary Exam every year, 10-14 questions are asked from Indian freedom movement and 18 to 24 questions are asked from Indian polity and Governance section.
Nowadays although the difficulty level of these questions is increasing per year, but student with in-depth Knowledge of Indian Constitution and Politics are finding it very easy to these gain crucial marks.
Besides 3 to 8 questions can be expected from International Affairs/International Institutions section. The UPSC move of revision of syllabus of General Studies has Generated Golden opportunity of scoring high marks because even in General Studies Mains syllabus nearly 60 Percentage of Political science syllabus topics are covered.
Political Science by nature is a very conceptual subject and it can be easily related to our day today activities for easier understanding. Therefore Political Science is very to understand and the most important subject for every student who prepares for civil services examination.
Paper wise analysis and Important topics asked in General Studies Paper I/II/III/IV
S.No. | Paper – I/II/III/IV | Topics |
1 | Paper – I of GS | National Movement of India |
2 | Paper – II of GS | Indian Polity and International Relations |
3 | Paper – III of GS | Internal Security |
4 | Paper – IV of GS | Moral Philosophers |
Hence this proves that Political Science covers the largest segment of General Studies.
Apart of these 2 essays are directly asked from the topics belonging to Political Science and everybody knows that without knowing the Political System of India and India’s Foreign Policy nobody can face the Interviews.